Roblox: All Star Tower Defense Wiki

Leaderboards are ranking systems used for both Infinite Mode and levels. Getting on one of these leaderboards is very challenging.

Infinite Mode leaderboard[]

The Infinite Mode leaderboard shows the top waves achieved, who achieved them, and how high they are on the leaderboard.

It is located just outside of the Infinite mode lobby, and resets every month. When the leaderboard resets, anyone on the leaderboard is awarded with Gems 1,0001,000 and an exclusive unit that differs for each board.

To be seen on this leaderboard, you must grind every unit that is in the current meta, and if needed, go duo, trio, or even a full squad. Use strategies and tips to help you beat higher waves.

The maximum number of players that appear on the leaderboards is 15 players on the main board, 12 for Elemental, and 10 for Air and Double Path. The previous leaderboard will also be displayed on the back. And If you win a leaderboard, you can't be on the same leaderboard again for 2 months.

Current Unit Rewards are as follows:

Level leaderboard[]

The level leaderboard shows how high someone's level is, the user, and again, how high they are on the leaderboard.

It is located between infinite and story mode in world 2. However, this leaderboard does not give any rewards whatsoever. The only way to get on this leaderboard is to grind levels, the hardest story mode or raids are good examples for grinding levels.

Current leaderboards[]
