This Page Is For (Recent) Leaks And Also A Page Where You Can Freely Express Your Theories Of Upcoming Updates for Units, Features, Raids, Events, and etc.
Da Rules[]
Rules for Posting Leaks:[]
- Leaks must only be posted within the month of the leak's release (current acceptable leaks must be from 12/1 /23 - 12/31/23). Any leak from a month different than the current should be removed to avoid false information or posting things that have already been added to the game.
- This is a collabirative project to bring together our community, no form of harassment or toxicity will be tolerated.
- No posting ofensive content/speech, this includes: Racism, homophobia, judgement toward one's race or politic speech, And anything under the lines of harrassment.
- No NSFW comments, jokes, images, etc.
- In case any leaked content (such as units, gamemodes, etc.) are been added to the game, remove them from this page.
Rules For Theorising[]
- This comment section is strictly for theorising and posting images to provide evidence and/or support to your theory. Therefore theories should be accompanied with evidence
- No Trolls, raiders nor spamming is allowed.
- Same as rule #3 of posting leaks.
- Same as rule #4 Of posting leaks.
Leaks Section[] Code Unit Leak) [No images for it would appreciate if i got some images/ss from the vid]