Roblox: All Star Tower Defense Wiki

This Page Is For (Recent) Leaks And Also A Page Where You Can Freely Express Your Theories Of Upcoming Updates for Units, Features, Raids, Events, and etc.

Da Rules[]

Rules for Posting Leaks:[]

  1. Leaks must only be posted within the month of the leak's release (current acceptable leaks must be from 12/1 /23 - 12/31/23). Any leak from a month different than the current should be removed to avoid false information or posting things that have already been added to the game.
  2. This is a collabirative project to bring together our community, no form of harassment or toxicity will be tolerated.
  3. No posting ofensive content/speech, this includes: Racism, homophobia, judgement toward one's race or politic speech, And anything under the lines of harrassment.
  4. No NSFW comments, jokes, images, etc.
  5. In case any leaked content (such as units, gamemodes, etc.) are been added to the game, remove them from this page.

Rules For Theorising[]

  1. This comment section is strictly for theorising and posting images to provide evidence and/or support to your theory. Therefore theories should be accompanied with evidence
  2. No Trolls, raiders nor spamming is allowed.
  3. Same as rule #3 of posting leaks.
  4. Same as rule #4 Of posting leaks.

Leaks Section[] Code Unit Leak) [No images for it would appreciate if i got some images/ss from the vid]
