Zyaya (TRUE B-KUI)
Zyaya (TRUE B-KUI) is 6-Star ground unit based on Byakuya Kuchiki with his new bankai in bloodwar
can only place one
|Text_Line_1=+ Release Bloom! |Text_Line_2=+ Change attack type to AoE (Wide Cone) |img= }}
Change attack type to Circle and DEAL Dmg Bleed Dmg 2B (Only Bleed no Normal DMG) in Circle Area
Cooldown 800 second
have global cooldown
After use unit will buff DMG self 50% (stack with buff, can stack one times) for permanent
Renitsu (Furious)
Renitsu (Furious) is 6-Star ground unit based on Zenitsu in Entertainment district arc
can only place one
|Text_Line_1= |Text_Line_2= }}
when equipped as Leader The Speedster category gain 10% attack boost and Money Boost earned per wave 15%
when loadout have Humble Swordman(Any) or Wild Animal(Any) , Nezichi(Any) , Renitsu(Any) will buff all unit in list with 5% DMG (Need Unit in list atleast 2 character to active passive except for renitsu)
passive work when as Leader Only